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May 2018 / CLA Board Meeting Minutes

Updated: Jul 13, 2018



MAY 24, 2018

Board Members Present: Bruce Callen, Linda Rexford, Pat Wolters, Linda Lane, Betsy Ludwick, Carl Elliott. Absent: Dennis Arms, Bob Blauwkamp

  1. Called meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. at 2379 VanDyke, Conklin, Michigan.

  2. Amended Agenda Approved with addition of Weed Assessment Petition and Water Testing. (Motion by Bruce Callen; seconded by Betsy Ludwick). Motion carried.

  3. Secretary Report for April 2018 Approved. (Motion by Bruce Callen; seconded by Pat Wolters) Motion carried.

  4. Treasurer’s Report Approved. (Motion by Bruce Callen; seconded by Carl Elliott). Motion carried.

  5. Welcome New Directors and Directors’ Responsibilities to CLA. The Board welcomed Carl Elliott and Betsy Ludwick. Bruce said the goal of the Board is to discuss all matters as a group and come to a consensus. We want to be sure all Board members are operating “on the same page”. Acting on personal agendas does not create a sense of unity for the Board.

  6. Election of Officers. By unanimous vote the following officers were elected for 2018-2019: President, Bruce Callen; Vice President: Pat Wolters; Secretary: Linda Lane; Treasurer: Bob Blauwkamp.

  7. Directors’ routes. Betsy will take Route #5—2081-2211 VanDyke. Carl Elliott will take Route #1—2705-2835 VanDyke, Gooding; Taft. All other routes will remain with the same Board member.

  8. Collection of Dues for 2018. Bruce distributed route sheets and a dues collection sheet to each Board member. It was suggested that Board members mail out the requests soon and then follow up on those who have not responded in a couple of weeks.

  9. Website/Facebook Update. Linda Lane’s daughter Katie Spangler, has been working with additions to the Facebook page to encourage participation. Website is current.

  10. Fourth of July. Boat Parade. Pat will have sign-up sheets and boat numbers available on her porch. Staging will also be at the Wolters’ residence. Dennis Arms will take pictures of each entry. The Judges will be Ludwicks, Lanes, Callen, Mull, and either McClure or DeGlopper. Each of the judges will text their vote to Bob Blauwkamp at 957-9007. Bruce will be sure to let each judge of this procedure. Ring of Fire—still at 9:45. Board members can pick up candles for sale from Pat Wolters—cost $1 each. Fireworks. All permits have been obtained. Information for July 3 and July 4 pleas for help with fireworks will be included in newsletter.

  11. Expiring Weed Assessment District. Pat and Linda have been working with the Township re preparation of the petition and information needed. The assessment will be for 20 years; Jaimee Conroy has given Pat the projected cost of treatments for the next three years. Informational sheets are being prepared for each Board member to use regarding possible questions residents may ask. Time is of the essence. We want the Board to start getting signatures asap—for sure by the time we collect dues. We need 51% of the residents to sign the petitions. Township has given us a deadline of the end of September to submit the signed petitions. The entire process involves two open meetings and published notice.

  12. Additional Information for Newsletter. Carl Elliott made a motion to include the minutes of CLA Board meetings in the newsletters. Even though the minutes are posted to the CLA Website, some lake residents are not “tech savy” and requested the minutes be included in the newsletters. It was also felt that the actions by the Board would be translucent to lake residents. The minutes are usually 2-3 pages long. It was suggested that the font used be smaller to help recoup some of the additional cost involved in adding this information. Motion seconded by Betsy Ludwick. Motion carried.

  13. Synopsis of Annual Meeting as pertains to Boat and Dock Ordinance. Bruce and his wife Nicki will prepare the poll and run it by board members. It will then be sent to the Township for review. CLA will be mailing out the poll to residents who have lake property or lake access. The reason the poll will be mailed to residents is to obtain unbiased feedback. After the poll deadline passes, the Board will review each response, and prepare a letter to the Township which states their findings. This is a high priority item. The final poll needs to be ready by the June CLA board meeting.

Meeting adjourned: 8:42 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Lane, Secretary


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