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March/April 2023 Newsletter

MARCH/APRIL 2023 NEWSLETTER Crockery Lake Association

Helpful Links: Crockery Lake Website: Facebook Page: www.facebook/crockerylake


Welcome back to the season of fun on Crockery Lake.


There will be a CLA board meeting on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held at the Chester Township Hall, 3509 Sehler St, Conklin, MI.

Dr. Jennifer Jones from Restorative Lake Sciences will be our guest speaker. She will be explaining and answering questions about the Feasibility Study that was done last fall. She will also explain and answer questions about forming a Lake Improvement Board. You can access the Study at this link:

We encourage your attendance so that you can be informed about your lake. The Crockery Lake Board continues to work hard on lake restoration.

We encourage you to join the Crockery Lake Association. Dues are $35 and can be paid at this meeting or the annual meeting in May.


Thanks to the diligent work of Carl and Karen Elliott we will be celebrating Independence Day on Crockery Lake with a fantastic fireworks display.

As always the display will begin around dusk.

We will also have the boat parade again this year. More details will follow after the May and June board meetings.

Spring Clean-up

We ask that all residents inspect their shoreline for debris and loose objects that could be picked up by rising waters, the spring thaw, and rain showers. Organic material such as leaves, sticks, dog droppings and other yard waste make great fertilizer for the spring weeds to flourish so those should be removed. Timber, dock sections, and even children’s toys have been known to travel with the rising waters. We ask for your help, not only to protect personal property, but to help keep our outlet clear of items that could dam up the exiting waters. Thank you for your help and consideration in keeping our lake clean.

We encourage all of you to put your name and phone number on all of your lakeshore toys. Then if something escapes you can be contacted directly.


Please mark your calendars:

~April 26, 2023, 7pm - Board meeting. All are welcome.

~May 17, 2023, 7pm - Annual Association Meeting will be held at the Chester Township Hall, 3509 Sehler St, Conklin, MI.

~June 21, 2023, 7pm - Board meeting. All are welcome. Location TBA.

~July 19, 2023, 7pm - Board Meeting. All are welcome. Location TBA

~August 16, 2023, 7pm - Board Meeting. All are welcome. Location TBA

~September 20, 2023, 7pm - Board Meeting. All are welcome. Location TBA


The CLA Board is actively seeking nominations for 2 board positions.

Would you or someone you know on the lake would be willing at accept a nomination?

Duties are not heavy. But we do meet 7-8 times per year on the third Wednesday of each month. Please visit our website at for a full understanding of what the board does for you. Send your nominations to any of the board members listed below or to

You will make a great board member if:

  • You have an interest in learning about lake health

    • Be a resource for your neighbors on water quality projects, erosion control, weed treatments, lake-scaping and more!

  • You want to take a positive, active role in making decisions that affect our lake

  • You have current concerns for the lake and have ideas how to fix them

    • Make a positive difference to help solve lake problems.

2023 DUES

Annual dues are $35 to be a member of the Lake Association. Additionally, any extra you give goes toward our 2024 Fireworks. Please go to and click on Association to see why being a member is important to you.

We are offering three options to pay again this year:

* Use the form at the end of the newsletter (you can print just the last page) to send your check to: Greg Slater, 2500 Crockery Shores Road, Casnovia, MI 49318

  • Use BillPay through your bank website. Send to: Greg Slater, 2500 Crockery Shores Road, Casnovia, MI 49318

  • Paypal link from our webpage:

We all have the same goal ~ to enjoy our beautiful lake and keep it healthy!

What does the Crockery Lake Association Board do for you?


Our lake has a substantial amount of weeds that if left untreated would make portions of the lake unusable.

Since the lake is only 108 acres, not treating the lake would severely limit boat traffic. Untreated “Eurasion Milfoil” will be cut and spread by boat motors. Within a couple of years, the lake would require more chemical treatment for the milfoil. Increased chemicals will also increase the cost to you. Because of the high phosphorous level in our lake, untreated weeds will accumulate in large amounts and sit on top of the weeds, creating an unsightly and smelly lake. The CLA only treats the lake with as small amount of chemical as needed. Options for treatment vary each year, along with the types of weeds and where they grow throughout the lake. The board works with Professional Lake Management to decide what type of treatment(s) are needed and when they should occur.


The fireworks show is 100% funded by the lake residents, friends and family.

Obtaining permits for the show and boat parade, donation collection, contract negotiation, coordination with the fire department and owners of the firework site, and the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Department are just a few of the tasks required to put the show on every year. The Board member in charge of the fireworks spends a substantial amount of time on the day of the event dealing with problems and questions from the various involved parties.


Because of our lake’s continued membership of the Michigan Lake & Stream Assn., our lake is light years ahead of many other lakes in the state.

Michigan Lake & Stream is a nonprofit organization which keeps lake associations up-to-date on a huge variety of issues—lake studies, grants, pending legislation, monitoring programs, education, boating laws and regulations. CLA members attend regional and annual meetings where this valuable information is obtained (they are not reimbursed for their attendance at these meetings, they attend to help with the well-being of the lake). As an active member of ML&SA, we obtain additional help and immediate help with any lake problems. Additional perks to us being a member include: the best ways to handle weed treatments; a heads up on any legislation pending in Lansing that may affect our lake, being the first in line for lake monitoring studies, and working relationship with other lake associations.

We also coordinate with many governmental entities—The Drain Commission, The Road Commission, The Parks Commission, and Chester Township on lake problems.


We were the first lake association in the state to implement a total fertilizer ban around the lake, other lakes request our ordinance to implement to their own.

Education from ML&SA programs, including phosphorous loading from fertilizers and water runoff are the #1 reason for algae problems. The newspapers are loaded with articles on lakes in our area with chronic algae problems which keep residents from swimming and boating in the lakes. Because of CLA actions, a smaller amount of fertilizer is now entering our lake and helping to ward off algae blooms. Residents should take credit for this also, because without your cooperation, this ordinance would not be as successful as it is!

The second ordinance is the “Dock/Funneling” ordinance. “Funneling” is when there is one undeveloped lot on the lake and homes built in the vicinity of the lot, but not on the lake, are given lake access on their deed to own a percentage of the lot. Without specific ordinances against this, these undeveloped lots have the potential of turning into a small marina—a dock holding an unlimited number of boats from all the residents given lake access. The ordinance also limits the number of docks per household to one, and licensed boats to three.


The newsletters are an important source of information and allows residents to stay connected as a lake family. These are available digitally via email or from our website and Facebook page. Printed copies are available by request.

Careful research is done before any article is placed in the newsletters. Upcoming meetings and events, planned weed treatments, lake health results, new neighbors, and general information that lake residents would want to know about, are just some of the topics provided in the newsletter.

Registration form included at the end of the newsletter or you can join by going to our website:


Every year our lake residents look forward to the call of the loon---it’s a sure sign of spring! We attract several types of ducks--buffleheads, mergansers and of course loons--who stop by for a short visit during their migratory trip up north.

I was shocked to learn in Michigan at least half of recorded loon and bald eagle deaths are caused by lead poisoning--the ingestion of lead fishing sinkers. Just one sinker ingested by a loon or bald eagle will kill it. There is no Michigan law prohibiting fishermen from using lead sinkers.

We all know that human exposure to lead is harmful. While the amount of lead exposure is small when handling lead sinkers, do you really want to expose your kids or grandkids to it? Hand washing is advised after exposure.

What else can we do???

Check your tackle boxes this spring before you start fishing—destroy any lead sinkers and replace them with ones made of steel or tungsten. They are just as effective as lead sinkers.

How do you know if your sinkers are lead? Scrape the sinker on a piece of paper, if it marks gray, it is lead. Look for weight markings on the sinker. Lead sinkers are typically marked with their weight. Use a magnet: Lead is not magnetic, so if your sinkers stick to a magnet, they are not made of lead.

The Crockery Lake wildlife thanks you!!

Sources: Michigan Waterfront Alliance, April 2023; Michigan Loon Preservation Assn; The Loon Project


In February 2023 the CLA Board was contacted by Ben Jordan about a grant for shoreline improvement. He encouraged us to participate. Here is an excerpt from the letter we signed to apply for the grant:

I am writing this letter to express our support for the Ottawa County Natural Shoreline Restoration Project. The Crockery Lake Association has worked hard to improve water quality by pursuing monitoring efforts, grant opportunities, and by promoting conservation practices to lake residents. Shoreline erosion and habitat degradation has been a major issue on Crockery Lake, and we are excited that the Ottawa Conservation District is addressing it with this project.

As we understand it, The Ottawa Conservation District will be working to provide outreach and education about better property management and native plantings around the lake and assisting with the construction of natural shorelines. The Crockery Lake Association can assist with these efforts by promoting the program to friends and neighbors, helping to host outreach events and workshops, and identifying residents that would be interested in shoreline

restoration. We will work closely with your office to ensure the success of this project.

We are thrilled that the Ottawa Conservation District has included Crockery Lake in their proposal, and are excited to participate in any way we can!

FY2024 Lake Conservation Grant

In February the Ottawa Conservation District applied for the FY2024 Lake Conservation grant, through the Midwest Glacial Lakes partnership (MGLP). This group consists of over 1000 resource professionals in the Great Lakes area and provides funding for a variety of projects that seek to improve habitat, water quality, and hydrology in inland lakes, rivers, and streams.

The stream of funding that the OCD applied for, specifically, is called the “Lake Conservation Grant.”

Key details about this grant:

• The MGLP typically funds between 3-5 projects per year at $30k - $100k

• Focused on improving fish habitat and addressing physical, chemical, and biological components of lake health

• Possibilities include barrier removal, shoreline protection/restoration, erosion control measures, monitoring/assessments, research, etc

• Projects must align with MGLP Strategic Plan goals

What the OCD applied for:

The OCD noticed that although we have funding for a lot of agricultural BMPs and residential BMPs* such as septic assistance, most of our current funding streams don’t directly assist with habitat improvement like shoreline restoration/protection or native plantings. We saw this grant as an opportunity to fill that gap. The rough details of our proposal are as follows:

• We applied for roughly $100k to be used over a period of three years

• The grant will focus on shoreline restoration and, specifically, natural shoreline designs and native plantings

o Outreach and education will be a big component and will include funding to provide handouts, brochures, workshops, attendance at events and meetings to

introduce landowners to the idea of natural shoreline design and


o Cost share for landowners to plan/implement natural shorelines. The OCD has staff certified to design and help install natural shorelines. Cost share would

provide up to a 50% reimbursement for all costs for these projects

o OCD would also assist with all permitting requirements through EGLE

• The project would being in early 2024. We would identify several landowners in

Crockery Lake, Spring Lake, and Lake Macatawa to voluntarily participate in this


• Outreach events and workshops would begin in mid 2024

  • OCD will hear about our grant status in July-August of 2023

*BMPs - Best Management Practices


Please read the ordinance before placing docks and boats in the water this year. Follow this link:

Respecting our neighbors makes for great community!


Remember the lake temperature is still very cold and hypothermia can set it quickly. Also, remember to wear a lifejacket if you are on the lake. Life jackets are very important in this cold water with cold air temperatures. And the number of people in a boat sets the requirement for the number of life jackets: One per person!


Crockery Lake Schedule of Weed & Algae Treatments for 2023

Here is what to expect: ~DEQ permitting restrictions, national holidays, and/or weather conditions may influence the timing of treatments throughout the 2022 season.

~PLM treats each lake according to a schedule or season established with the cooperation of your lake association, lake board or residents on the lake.

~The treatment schedule is approximate. Please watch your shoreline for the posting of the 8.5x11 inch, yellow or green signs. The signs will indicate the date of the treatment, the products used, and any restrictions on the use of treated water for swimming, watering lawns, etc. The property owners in this area are planning to have the waters chemically treated to control lake weeds and/or algae. This notice is being circulated in accordance with Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) procedures. ~On the day of treatment, signs will be posted along the shoreline within 100 feet of treatment areas that indicate what products were used and specific water use restrictions that apply. ~The chemicals used for Aquatic Nuisance Control are registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Michigan Department of Agriculture. The potential for damage to fish and other non-target organisms is minimal provided that the product is used as directed on the product label and the permit.

~The CLA Board of Directors would suggest using caution in using or being in the water the day of treatment according to posted warnings.

This years approximate dates are the week of:

3/27/23 Spring Inlet Sampling

5/8/23 Spring Survey

5/15/23 Weed and Algae Optional Treatment

6/19/23 Weed and Algae Optional Treatment

7/17/23 Weed and Algae Optional Treatment

8/14/23 Water Quality, Fall AVAS survey, Optional Treatment



There are no government ordinances that require you to inspect, pump, or maintain your septic system. Our lake is directly affected by the health of your septic tank and drain field. Please, please be diligent in the care of our lake by taking care of your septic system. The longer you wait the more it affects lake quality and health.

Here are some good guidelines from

1. Protect It and Inspect It

Homeowners should generally have their system inspected every three years by a qualified professional or according to their state or local health department's recommendations. Tanks should be pumped when necessary, typically every three to five years.

2. Think at the Sink

Avoid pouring fats, grease, and solids down the drain. These substances can clog a system's pipes and drain field.

3. Don’t Overload the Commode

Only put things in the drain or toilet that belong there. For example, coffee grounds, dental floss, disposable diapers and wipes, feminine hygiene products, cigarette butts, and cat litter can all clog and potentially damage septic systems.

4. Don’t Strain Your Drain

Be water-efficient and spread out water use. Fix plumbing leaks and install faucet aerators and water-efficient products. Spread out laundry and dishwasher loads throughout the day - too much water at once can overload a system that hasn't been pumped recently.

5. Shield Your Field

Remind guests not to park or drive on a system's drainfield, where the vehicle's weight could damage buried pipes or disrupt underground flow.

6. Pump Your Tank and inspect your drain field!

Routinely pumping your tank can prevent your septic system from premature failure, which can lead to groundwater contamination.

7. Test Your Drinking Water Well

If septic systems aren't properly maintained, leaks can contaminate well water. Testing your drinking water well is the best way to ensure your well water is free from contaminates.

For more information visit


Oak trees—don’t prune April 15 – July 15. Increases possibility of infestation by fungal disease, allows native picnic beetles to spread spores from infected trees to healthy trees; oak wilt causes rapid defoliation and die back in the crown, killing red oak trees in a matter of weeks. Treatment can be costly and destructive—prevention is key!

Need firewood for your lake campfires? Purchase your firewood locally, or buy your firewood where you plan to burn it.

Re-landscaping? Add some native plants!

Clean up animal waste—don’t let it end up in the lake.

Clean out your fire-pit and dispose of the ashes—so they don’t end up in the lake.

Don’t let those TV commercials for lawn fertilizers get to you! According to the MSU Extension Office, most lawns in Michigan have adequate levels of phosphorous without adding chemicals to your lawn.10

Use lake water to water your lawn. Your lawn will have more than enough nutrients to keep it green. Do not water on days the lake is sprayed.

You can still use crabgrass killer (without fertilizer) and other insecticides.

No types of fertilizers may be used within 300 feet of the lake.

No grass clippings, leaves, sticks, etc. may be placed in the lake.

Put reflectors on your rafts. Phone numbers should be added to your paddle boats and kayaks.

Violations and questions should be directed to the Chester Township Zoning Administrator 616-899-5544.

We ask that all residents inspect their shoreline for debris and loose objects that could be picked up by rising waters, the spring thaw, and rain showers. Organic material such as leaves, sticks, dog droppings and other yard waste make great fertilizer for the spring weeds to flourish so those should be removed. Timber, dock sections, and even children’s toys have been known to travel with the rising waters. We ask for your help, not only to protect personal property, but to help keep our outlet clear of items that could dam up the exiting waters. Thank you for your help and consideration in keeping our lake clean.

Fertilizers applied by lawn fertilizer companies are prohibited. If you see your neighbor violating this ordinance, please remind them of the ban. Violation of this ordinance may result in a $500 fine.


Lesha and Nicole Gustin are offering T-shirts again this year. Specially designed and printed by Nicole. All profits go to the Crockery Lake Fireworks Fund.

Adults S-XL— $20

Larger sizes will be more

Kids - $15

Call or text Lesha Gustin at 616-822-7139.

Advertising in this newsletter is FREE to Crockery Lake Association Members.

Advertising for business is $25/year. Inclusion of any advertisement in the CLA Newsletter does not equate to an endorsement by the Crockery Lake Association. Please contact any board member to advertise your business or contact at

Inclusion of any advertisement in the CLA Newsletter does not equate to an endorsement by the Crockery Lake Association.


President / Betsy Ludwick

Position Expires: 4/30/24

616.723.5704 /

Newsletter Editor, Website and Facebook page Administrator

Vice President / Pat Wolters

Position Expires: 4/30/23

616.887.8707 /

Represents: 2833 - 2871 Crockery Shores, Kaycee Lane, Crockery Woods

Treasurer / Greg Slater

Position Expires: 4/30/25

Representing: 2221 Van Dyke St - 2391 Van Dyke St

Secretary / Susan McClure

Position Expires: 4/30/23

Represents: 2519 - 2681 Van Dyke

Immediate Past President / Bob Blauwkamp

Position Expires: 4/30/22

616.957.9007 /

Representing: 2332 - 2550 Crockery Shores Road, 24th Ave, Hoover


Mollie Gaggen

Position Expires: 4/30/23

313.712.6437 /

Representing: 2081 Van Dyke - 2211 Van Dyke

John deGeneres

Position expires: 4/30/24

Representing: 2563 Crockery Shores Road - 2798 Crockery Shores Road

Paula Humphrey

Position Expires: 4/30/25

616.498.0363 /

Representing: 2392 Van Dyke - 2516 Van Dyke

Carl Elliott

Position Expires: 4/30/2024

616.822.9250 mobile

616.887.4203 home /

Representing: 2705 Van Dyke St - 2835 Van DykeCROCKERY LAKE ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP FORM

NAME _______________________________________________________________

ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________

MAILING ADDRESS _____________________________________________________


PHONE ________________________ CELL PHONE _________________________

E-MAIL _______________________________________________________________

YEARLY DUES: $35 paid by ______________________Date ___________________

FIREWORKS DONATION: $______________ CANDLES _______ at $1.25 each

Crockery Lake Association is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Dues are not tax deductible. However, firework donations are tax deductible.

Please make your check to: CROCKERY LAKE ASSOCIATION

Send to: Greg Slater, 2500 Crockery Shores Road, Casnovia, MI 49318

__________________RETAIN A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS__________________

DUES PAID $_______________ DATE __________________

CANDLES _______X $1.25 = _________________

FIREWORKS DONATION $_________________________

CHECK NUMBER _______________________

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