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Crockery Lake Restoration Plan approved by Ottawa County

December 12, 2024

For Immediate Release

Ottawa County Board of Commissioners Approves

Crockery Lake Restoration Project

At its recent board meeting on December 10, the Ottawa County Board

of Commissioners approved a project to restore and maintain Crockery

Lake in Chester Township. The initiative, supported by a $563,404

allocation from the General Fund balance and the Monsanto reserve,

marks a collaborative effort between Ottawa County and Chester

Township to enhance the ecological health and community value of the


The project will focus on improving the water quality and surrounding

environment of Crockery Lake through a comprehensive plan designed

and implemented by Restorative Lake Sciences. Key elements of the

restoration program include:

Treatment of invasive aquatic species.

Installation of oxygenation systems to reduce nutrient pollution.

Implementation of biologically activated drain filters.

Development of a septic system maintenance framework.

Ongoing water quality monitoring and educational outreach.

Chester Township will oversee the project's implementation, with input

from Dr. Jennifer L. Jermalowicz-Jones, a professional limnologist,

ensuring adherence to environmental compliance and best practices.

In a statement, the Chester Township said,

“The Chester Township Board is looking forward to working

collaboratively with Ottawa County and Restorative Lake

Sciences. We are grateful for the County's trust in allowing us

to administer and use the Lake Restoration Funds to improve

the water quality of the Crockery Lake. With Grose Park and a

public boat launch on the lake, this restoration project will be

a benefit to all Ottawa County residents. Countless hours and

much effort have been put into formulating a plan of action so

that future generations can also enjoy the lake.”

Media Contact:

Troy Goodno, Chester Township Supervisor


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